10 Things You Didnt Know about Lee Rosbach

lee rosbach

He’s a captain, he’s a no-nonsense kind of guy, and he controls the luxury yachts we see cruising the high seas on Below Deck. He is Captain Lee Rosbach, and he knows that he has a job to do, and that his job comes first and foremost when he has passengers and guests aboard his luxury yachts. He’s nowhere near as young as the rest of his crew, and it shows in the fact that he has ample good advice to dish out; and no patience for their shenanigans. He’s not someone who is interested in the personal lives of his crew getting in the way of the job, and he often has to remind his young crew of this. We don’t know him personally, but we get the feeling that he is probably the kind of awesome man you might expect. It makes us want to get to know him a bit better.

He’s philanthropic

Captain Lee is nothing if not a charitable man. When he is not on his yacht, he is making sure he helps his favorite charities so that he can help those in need. His charities of choice include those that help children and their families, and he likes to be present for their annual events, their fundraisers and whatever else they need from him throughout the year. Giving back is important to him.

He’s not immune to sea sickness

Sometimes you have to live and you have to learn a bit before your sea legs are in place. Captain Lee is one of those men; he had to do himself the distinct pleasure of being sea sick and making an embarrassing call the first time he was on a yacht. He might not seem as though he has much patience for those who get sick now, but he knows what it’s like at first and he is not someone who doesn’t understand that sometimes you just get sick.

He’s happily married

We don’t see his wife on national television, but Captain Lee is a happily married man. He’s been married to his wife, Mary Ann, for many decades now, and they have a happy life together. He states that she’s always been supportive of him as he ‘grew up’ and tried to find himself. We know that he is someone who found his passion in life later than many others, but we know that he found it nonetheless.

He’s a late bloomer

If you’ve noticed, many of the deckhands and crew on the yachts that Captain Lee pilots are very young and are just starting out. You might occasionally see some who are older and more seasoned, but Captain Lee was never a young crew member. He was 35 when he decided he wanted to start over and try his hand in this industry, and that is considered quite old for someone in this business.

His son loves yachting, too

Captain Lee Rosbach must have been a pretty good example as a father for his son when he was growing up. How do we know that? We know that because his son takes after his father with his love of yachting. Only, unlike his father, he took up the chef side of the business. Or wait, that’s actually just like his father since he spent his childhood watching his father in the kitchen, right? It’s pretty amazing to think that so many people are just like their parents when we all spend so much time swearing we will not ever be “The meanest parents ever,” to our own kids (because we all know it all at 14, right?).

He’s a foodie

We love a foodie. There is nothing in the world like a good meal that is so amazing you want to stay there in that moment forever. My husband and I hunt down restaurants like that when we travel, and Captain Lee is no different. He loves food to the point that his Instagram page is filled with food photos he’s taken himself. Many are meals he’s had while out, and many are meals he makes at home in his free time. He enjoys to cook, and he’s good in the kitchen.

He was a restaurant professional

Perhaps Captain Lee Rosbach is such a good cook because he spent much of his adult life in the restaurant industry. Before he moved into the world of luxury yachting, he was a man who spent his time running restaurants in many different places. In fact, his most recent was a restaurant in the Turks and Caicos, and he loved every second he spent in the kitchen. He just loves being on the water more than he loves being near the water.

His name is not Lee

Many people feel that they are being quite official when they call him Captain Lee, but that is not accurate. In fact, his full name is Captain Harold, which is more official. However, he doesn’t seem to mind the fact that people call him by his middle name rather than his given name, which only goes to show us that he is as cool as he seems.

He spent 25 years in Michigan

He was born and raised in the state that is not known for its glorious weather, and he made it out of there when he could. He is a Michigan man born and raised, but he has an affinity for the seas, the warm weather and living his life somewhere more tropical and less cold. There is nothing wrong with that. Most people move to Florida from those parts, and he is no exception to the rule.

He is the voice of reason

Perhaps it is because he got a late start in the business, or because he is just an older gentleman with a lot of life behind him; either way, he’s the voice of reason at all times. He’s a fair man, a man who has values and integrity. He might come off as strict and not so much fun at times, but it’s only because he has standards and he expects that those standards are met.

Photo by Getty Images
