Big Brother 18 Spoilers: Week 6 Power of Veto Ceremony Results – Paulie Takes Himself Off Block – Da’Vonne is Renom

New Big Brother 18 spoilers from the Live Feeds show that Da’Vonne is the Week 6 renom after Paulie won the Power of Veto and pulled himself off the block – as predicted. This is all part of Paulie’s master scheme that he foisted on Paul as he took over Paul’s HoH. Paulie pushed to backdoor Da’Vonne and now the plan is in play, but will it play out the way he wants?

The Live Feeds show that Paulie was put up as a pawn hoping to win Power of Veto and save himself. That would leave Bridgette on the block with Day as the re-nom and true target. However, Paul wants Bridgette to go home for no particular reason since she’s powerless and friendless in the BB18 house.

Paul is hoping to secretly rally votes against Bridgette to undermine Paulie’s plan, but without Paulie knowing he did it. What could help Paul is that James doesn’t want Day to go, but only because James is scared Bridgette will come after him since he put Bridgette and Frank up together.

Big Brother 18 Spoilers: Week 6 Power of Veto Ceremony Results – Paulie Takes Himself Off Block – Da’Vonne is Renom

The case for and against evicting Da’Vonne

The rationale to keep Da’Vonne in the house is flawed. James is scared of Bridgette and Paul is hyper-focused on Bridgette. With Frank gone, Bridgette is up for grabs, is not a particularly strategic thinker, and will take any alliances offered.

On the flip, Day is dangerous. She’s smart, super-observant, and utterly willing to blow up anyone’s game with a public showdown. Also, Da’Vonne is hip to the plan to put her on the block. Paul assured her she’s a pawn and his real target his Bridgette – which is 100% true – but Day is now on high alert.

Big Brother 18 Spoilers: Week 6 Power of Veto Ceremony Results – Paulie Takes Himself Off Block – Da’Vonne is Renom

Can Day get the votes she needs to stay?

Big Brother 18 spoilers from the Live Feeds show that Day was already campaigning to stay in the house even before she was officially put on the block as the re-nom after Paulie used his PoV. But can Da’Vonne save herself? Maybe. And if she does, Paul will be in a world of hurt even though he was doing Paulie’s dirty work.

There are eight votes this week so five are needed to evict. If it goes to a tie, Paul might throw Da’Vonne out so he doesn’t irritate his boy Paulie. Day can solidly count on Zakiyah and Michelle to vote against Bridgette since Michelle is jealous of Bridgette’s friendship with Frank.

Big Brother 18 Spoilers: Week 6 Power of Veto Ceremony Results – Paulie Takes Himself Off Block – Da’Vonne is Renom

How the votes stand at the moment…

Da’Vonne still has three days to lobby for votes before the Week 6 LIVE eviction. What will hurt Da’Vonne in this crucial vote is that she vocalized to James her desire to break up showmances – and he’s in a showmance. That could be the deciding factor for James and Natalie.

Plus, everyone knows that if Bridgette doesn’t win HoH, they can take her out at any time. We’ll see how the chips fall but, right now, the votes likely stand like this:

Michelle – Bridgette

Zakiyah – Bridgette

Paulie – Da’Vonne

Nicole – Da’Vonne

Corey – Da’Vonne

Victor – Da’Vonne

James – Will vote with house

Natalie – Will vote with James

It looks like, at best, it’s 6-2 to evict Da’Vonne. What do you think BB18 fans? Can Da’Vonne save herself or will Paulie get his way and the backdoor plan will go off without a hitch? Who do you want to be evicted in Week 6 – Bridgette or Davonne?

Share your comments below and come back to CDL often for all the latest Big Brother 18 spoilers plus LIVE recaps of every episode.
