Is Jschlatt dead? Viral death hoax debunked

Social media users were left worried when claims about YouTuber Jschlatt passing away surfaced online. Several posts on various platforms like TikTok and Twitter claimed that Jschlatt died on October 24, 2023. Social media users were especially worried as he had also not posted anything online for a few days.

However, the news was not confirmed by his friends or family. In fact, the rumor about his death surfaced online after a fan joked about the same on his recent stream.

“When you die of natural causes on October 24, 2023, can I keep your femur as a backscratch?” the fan wrote.

However, it is important to note that the rumors are not true and were based on a comment by a fan, as per HITC.

This is also not the first time that a death hoax surrounding Jschlatt has gone viral. Last year, several people began paying tributes to the YouTuber as they assumed he had died. However, he took to social media to debunk the rumor and stated that the news about his death was fake and untrue.

Jschlatt is alive and the news about his death is fake

Rumors about Jschlatt recently surfaced online as multiple fans believed that the popular YouTuber had passed away.

However, the news is fake and the rumor began after a comment by a fan during one of his recent streaming sessions. The YouTuber has not yet addressed the rumor and nobody from his family has spoken up about the same either. As per a report by HITC, Jschlatt is alive as of this writing, and the rumor about his death, which came to light after a fan's viral comment, is fake.

Jschlatt is a popular American YouTuber and streamer, who is known for playing Minecraft live with his audience. The YouTuber rose to fame in 2014 and has over 2 million followers on Instagram. Furthermore, he has 4.09 million subscribers on YouTube, where he posts regularly.

The YouTuber's real name is Johnathan Schlatt, and he is currently 23 years old. He lives in New York and started his YouTube channel in July 2013. Over the years, he gained immense popularity and launched his own merchandise, which is available via his personal website.

In 2022, the YouTuber shared a photoshopped post, in which he claimed he was "killed by a drunk driver," as per HITC. After fans began paying him tribute and sending his family condolences, he debunked the post and clarified that he was alive.

As the YouTuber debunked the rumor surrounding his death in 2022, fans are now eager for him to do the same again.

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