Jennifer Aniston talks about her hair again, says Duchess Kate gives her hair envy

Jennifer Aniston and her BFF/hairstylist Chris McMillan sat down to give a joint interview about Jennifer’s hair to Marie Claire. I hate myself for saying this, but I actually found it interesting. I mean, the interview is just an embedded advertisement for Living Proof, which is the MIT-created haircare line that Jennifer invested in, owns a portion of, and is the face of. But beyond the Living Proof name-drops, Jennifer and Chris gossip about who has good hair, when her hair was the most damaged, if she ever wore weaves and Jennifer’s ideal wedding hair. I accept this for what it is! Jennifer loves talking about hair. It’s like she’s 44 years old going on 14.

MARIE CLAIRE: You’ve always had great hair. Is it genetics or styling?
JENNIFER ANISTON: I have naturally wavy, frizzy Greek hair, and over the years it’s taken a beating from blow-dryers, flatirons, curlers, and extensions, which I think are the most damaging. I couldn’t get it to grow because it just kept breaking. Even when it was longer, it didn’t look long because the ends were so thin. I ended up using clip-in pieces just to fill it out.

MC: You’ve used hair extensions?
JA: Yes. There’s only so much hair can take. Mine was really brittle, dry, and dull, but the Living Proof Restore Mask Treatment brought it back to life.

MC: And now Chris McMillan is the brand’s celebrity hairstylist. How did the two of you first meet?
JA: He was 29 and I was 24. My manager at the time said, “You have to do something with your hair—it’s horrible!” I walked into the salon and Chris just lopped it off. I mean, at that point it was pretty much The Rachel.

MC: How has your hair attitude changed since that notorious crop?
JA: The Rachel was high maintenance. I’d curse Chris every time I had to blowdry. It took three brushes—it was like doing surgery! Now I apply Living Proof Prime Style Extender and let it dry naturally for about an hour. Once it’s halfway dry, I use low heat around the hairline and twist the strands with my fingers to get the cowlicks out. It’s done in 10 minutes.

MC: Does anyone give you hair envy?
JA: Kate Middleton. Does she do her hair herself? She’s got a hard job, being scrutinized like that. When I have a bad hair day, my hair just goes in a clip.

MC: It’s hard to imagine you having a bad hair day…
JA: In elementary school, I would use a curling iron and end up burning my forehead. I was a closeted hairdresser. I did my mom’s highlights with one of those caps with the holes—I even gave her a perm! I may have had another career if the acting thing hadn’t worked out.

JENNIFER ANISTON: The Rachel was horrible!
CHRIS MCMILLAN: I know that was Jen’s least favorite hairstyle because I hear about it every time I style her hair.

JA: I’m a creature of habit. I like a good, straight blowout.
CM: For her classic blowout, I apply Living Proof Full Thickening Mousse, then I blowdry in sections with a Parlux dryer and a Y.S. Park round brush.

JA: I love my hair most when we let it go raw and natural.
CM: One of my favorites was when Jen went to the Emmys in a white beaded Chanel dress and her hair was bohemian and wavy. I French-braided her hair and took it out right before she left. She looked like she just stepped off the beach.

JA: For my wedding, I wouldn’t do an updo, but I think a veil is always pretty. I like loose and natural hair because it goes against the formality of the dress. Loose, like “I just got out of bed, maybe had a romp” hair.
CM: It always looks like she just had a romp in bed! I plan to do her hair three hours early, and hopefully she’ll have a romp in bed before the ceremony.

[From Marie Claire]

I really don’t understand when women complain about hair damage or their hair being “brittle”. I live a privileged life with my Indian hair, obviously, but shouldn’t a good conditioner or hot oil treatment take care of many of these problems? And if your hair is really that damaged, maybe that’s a sign that you should stop with the flat-ironing, etc? I feel the same way about Gwyneth Paltrow too – both Gwyneth and Jennifer are stuck in this ‘90s Hair Paradox where flat-ironing and bleaching into oblivion is the height of Hair Fashion. If Jennifer just went a big darker and let her Greek curls fly, she would look so cute (and younger).

Photos courtesy of PR Photos.
