Madonna on moving back times for her shows: the queen is never late

Madonna has promoted herself from 4-star general to Queen, and she has a message for her fans who are annoyed about the 10:30 pm start time of her shows: “The queen is never late.” Her subjects are just really really early, lucky them! Madonna, or, excuse me, Her Madgesty, made the comments during a recent show on her tour. She was thought to be responding to a lawsuit by a fan who was unable to see a show after its start was pushed back 2 hours:

At her Friday concert, the “Queen of Pop” and “Express Yourself” singer hit back against the disgruntled fans suing her a Live Nation for pushing delaying the start time for performances on her current tour, “Madame X,” TMZ reports.

“Here’s something you all need to understand,” the 61-year-old told the crowd. “And that is, that the queen is never late.”

The suit comes from Nate Hollander, a Florida man, who says he lost the $1,024.95 he spent on three tickets for Madonna’s Miami Beach show on Dec. 17, after the start time was moved from the originally scheduled 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., according to legal documents obtained by the outlet.

During the tour, [the] suit asserts, the “Material Girl” — born Madonna Louise Ciccone — hasn’t been reliable when it come[s] to timing, frequently beginning her performances two hours after the scheduled start time.

[From New York Daily News]

Good luck with that lawsuit, Nate. Since the show actually went on, I don’t think that he’s going to get anywhere. That said, pushing a show’s start back two hours is beyond unprofessional and obnoxious. Are we surprised that Madonna is doing it, though? No. Her die-hard fans won’t care. They came to see her, they will stay to see her, even if it means that the show doesn’t wrap up until after midnight on a weeknight. I grew up listening to Madonna, but nonsense like this is why I don’t really pay as much attention to her anymore.

I remember reading something years ago in Tori Amos’ memoir about how there were times that she had to push the start of her show because her daughter, Natasha, who was very young at the time, would need her for one reason or another. Though Tori hated doing that, her first responsibility was to her child. It happened rarely, and maybe it meant that the show started a half-hour late or something, no great annoyance in the grand scheme of things. Amos also puts on a great show and spends time chatting with fans. She cares that they came to see her, and she wants everyone to have a good time. As far as Madonna is concerned, the world revolves entirely around her. She doesn’t care (or doesn’t seem to) that sure, her fans adore her and came to see her, but if they are going to be shelling out money to her, part of her responsibility, at a bare minimum, is to perform during or close to the expected time. People rearrange their schedules to go to concerts and have responsibilities that they need to work around. Plus, nobody wants to get home after midnight on a weeknight when they have to go to work the next morning unless they’ve planned for that. But, Madonna’s gonna Madonna.

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