MITAM Promo Team - CelebMix

Just weeks ago One Direction fans came together and made a huge fan project for promo that everyone must get involved in!

This fan project has impacted social media in such a way that MITAM PROMO has even trended worldwide once. This fan project has gone to 100 followers to over 13K in less than a month over twitter! Not only that but this fan project has even been noticed by J-14, sugarscape, maximum pop and we can only hope that soon the boy’s will notice to!

Fans all across the world are getting involved in this project in order to help promote One Directions new album which comes out on November 13th. From taping MITAM PROMO flyers on horses to all around their schools, The MITAM PROMO team has truly captured the eye of many globally.

Make sure to follow them over twitter, instagram, tumblr, snapchat @MITAMPROMOTEAM and don’t forget to take part in this fan project and share your ideas!!
