We are just three episodes into Summer House MV season 1 and the drama has already started. Mariah Torres was sent home in the latest episode after her altercation with Bria, who felt uncomfortable around her. Their fight started off in the previous episode when Bria's dog towels were mixed up with Mariah's clothes in the dryer.

Bria refused to take responsibilty for the same so Mariah called her a "b*tch" multiple times. The ladies almost got into a physical fight. Later on, when Mariah held Bria's shoulder while confronting her, the latter made a whole scene out of it.

She told Jasmine that she would leave the house and was upset when no one paid too much heed to the incident. After an intense conversation, Jasmine finally talked to Mariah about her fight and asked her to leave the home. They have been friends for 12 years and Mariah even gave shelter to Jasmine when she had no place to stay in the past.

Jasmine began to cry to in a confessional but knew that she could not have different rules for everyone. Mariah "mourned her friendships" and went home to her son, after realizing that Jasmine was on Bria's side. Summer House MV fans were very upset with Mariah and slammed Jasmine for her diabolical move.

Summer House MV fans slam Jasmine for sending Mariah home

Jasmine did not see the fight herself but came to the conclusion that Mariah was in the wrong.

Later on, it was revealed that Amir was the one who put the dog stuff in Mariah's clothes and everyone laughed after the revelation.

Jasmine did not even call Mariah to apologize to her. Summer House MV fans got angry at the crew for voting to send Mariah home behind her back and called out Jasmine for being a bad friend.

Mariah's moon mass in episode 2 was unsuccesful

In the previous episode, Mariah organized a special moon mass event for the cast but no one paid attention to the prayers. They left the ceremony in the middle and Mariah was very disappointed by the same.

She was shocked after Jasmine asked her to move out as she did not expect her to talk about this decision with other people behind her back. Only Amir and Jasmine came to bid her farewell and Mariah mentioned that she did not come here to fight about "dog stuff."

Summer House MV airs on Bravo every Sunday at 9 pm ET.

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